
Open CASCADE Technology and all materials, including this documentation, is Copyright (c) 1999-2020 by OPEN CASCADE S.A.S. All rights reserved.

Open CASCADE Technology is free software; you can redistribute it and / or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1, with additional exception.

Open CASCADE 技术和所有材料(包括本文档)版权所有 (c) 1999-2020,OPEN CASCADE SAS 保留所有权利。

Open CASCADE Technology 是免费软件;您可以根据GNU 宽松公共许可证 (LGPL) 版本 2.1的条款重新发布和/或修改它,包括免责条款

Note that LGPL imposes some obligations on the application linked with Open CASCADE Technology. If you wish to use OCCT in a proprietary application, please pay a special attention to address the requirements of LGPL section 6. At minimum the following should be considered:

  1. Add the notice visible to the users of your application clearly stating that Open CASCADE Technology is used in this application, and that they have rights in this regard according to LGPL. Such notice can be added in About dialog box (this is mandatory if this box contains copyright statements) or a similar place and/or in the documentation. The text of LGPL license should be accessible to the user.

  2. Make the copy of OCCT sources used by the application available to its users, and if necessary provide instructions on how to build it in a way compatible with the application.

  3. Ensure that the user actually can exercise the right to run your application with a modified version of OCCT. If the application is distributed in a form that does not allow the user to modify OCCT part (e.g. the application is linked to OCCT statically or is distributed via AppStore on iOS, GooglePlay on Android, Windows Store, etc.), the application should be provided separately in a modifiable form, with all materials needed for the user to be able to run the application with a modified version of OCCT.

请注意,LGPL 对与 Open CASCADE 技术链接的应用程序规定了一些义务。如果您希望在专有应用程序中使用 OCCT,请特别注意满足 LGPL 第 6 节的要求。至少应考虑以下事项:

  1. 添加对您的应用程序的用户可见的通知,明确说明此应用程序中使用了 Open CASCADE 技术,并且根据 LGPL他们在这方面拥有权利。此类通知可以添加在“关于”对话框中(如果此框包含版权声明,则这是强制性的)或类似位置和/或文档中。LGPL 许可证的文本应该可供用户访问。

  2. 向用户提供应用程序使用的 OCCT 源的副本,并在必要时提供有关如何以与应用程序兼容的方式构建它的说明。

  3. 确保用户实际上可以行使使用修改版本的 OCCT 运行您的应用程序的权利。如果应用程序以不允许用户修改 OCCT 部分的形式分发(例如应用程序静态链接到 OCCT 或通过 iOS 上的 AppStore、Android 上的 GooglePlay、Windows Store 等分发),则应用程序应以可修改的形式单独提供,其中包含用户能够使用 OCCT 修改版本运行应用程序所需的所有材料。

If you want to use Open CASCADE Technology without being bound by LGPL requirements, please contact Open CASCADE company for a commercial license.

Note that Open CASCADE Technology is provided on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. The entire risk related to any use of the OCCT code and materials is on you. See the license text for formal disclaimer.

如果您想使用Open CASCADE技术而不受LGPL要求的约束,请联系Open CASCADE公司获取商业许可。

请注意,Open CASCADE 技术按“原样”提供,不提供任何形式的保证。与使用 OCCT 代码和材料相关的全部风险由您承担。请参阅许可文本以获取正式免责声明。

Last updated