Build Documentation

To generate HTML documentation from sources contained in dox subdirectory, you need to have Tcl and Doxygen 1.8.5 (or above) installed on your system.

Use script gendoc (batch file on Windows, shell script on Linux / Mac OSX) to generate documentation.

要从dox子目录中包含的源生成 HTML 文档,您需要在系统上安装 Tcl 和 Doxygen 1.8.5(或更高版本)。

使用脚本gendoc(Windows 上的批处理文件,Linux / Mac OSX 上的 shell 脚本)生成文档。

To generate Overview documentation:


cmd> gendoc -overview

To generate Reference manual:


cmd> gendoc -refman

Run this command without arguments to get help on supported options.

See Documentation System for prerequisites and details on OCCT documentation system.


有关 OCCT文档系统的先决条件和详细信息,请参阅文档系统。