
The following parties are acknowledged for producing tools which are used within Open CASCADE Technology libraries or for release preparation.

You are hereby informed that all rights to the software listed below belong to its respective authors and such software may not be freely available and/or be free of charge for any kind of use or purpose. We strongly recommend that you carefully read the license of these products and, in case you need any further information, directly contact their authors.

以下三方件用于开发或发布 Open CASCADE Technology库。


Qt is a cross-platform application framework that is widely used for developing application software with graphical user interface (GUI). Qt is free and open source software distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. In OCCT Qt is used for programming samples. If you need further information on Qt, refer to Qt Homepage (

Qt是一种跨平台应用程序框架,广泛用于开发具有图形用户界面(GUI)的应用程序软件。Qt 是根据 GNU Lesser General Public License(宽通用公共许可证条款)分发的免费开源软件。在 OCCT 中,Qt 用于对示例进行编程。如果您需要有关 Qt 的更多信息,请参阅 Qt 主页 ( )

Tcl is a high-level programming language. Tk is a graphical user interface (GUI) toolkit, with buttons, menus, listboxes, scrollbars, and so on. Taken together Tcl and Tk provide a solution to develop cross-platform graphical user interfaces with a native look and feel. Tcl/Tk is under copyright by Scriptics Corp., Sun Microsystems, and other companies. However, Tcl/Tk is an open source, and the copyright allows you to use, modify, and redistribute Tcl/Tk for any purpose, without an explicit license agreement and without paying any license fees or royalties. To use Tcl/Tk, refer to the Licensing Terms (

Tcl是一种高级编程语言。Tk 是一个图形用户界面 (GUI) 工具包,具有按钮、菜单、列表框、滚动条等。Tcl 和 Tk 结合起来提供了一种开发具有原生外观和感受的跨平台图形用户界面的解决方案。Tcl/Tk 的版权归 Scriptics Corp.、Sun Microsystems 和其他公司所有。然而,Tcl/Tk 是开源的,版权允许您为任何目的使用、修改和重新分发 Tcl/Tk,无需明确的许可协议,也无需支付任何许可费或版税。要使用 Tcl/Tk,请参阅许可条款 ( )。

FreeType 2 is developed by Antoine Leca, David Turner, Werner Lemberg and others. It is a software font engine that is designed to be small, efficient, highly customizable and portable while capable of producing high-quality output (glyph images). This product can be used in graphic libraries, display servers, font conversion tools, text image generation tools, and many other products. FreeType 2 is released under two open-source licenses: BSD-like FreeType License and the GPL (

FreeType 2由 Antoine Leca、David Turner、Werner Lemberg 等人开发。它是一种软件字体引擎,设计小巧、高效、高度可定制和便携,同时能够生成高质量的输出(字形图像)。该产品可用于图形库、显示服务器、字体转换工具、文本图像生成工具和许多其他产品。FreeType 2 根据两个开源许可证发布:类似 BSD 的 FreeType 许可证和 GPL ( )。

Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks (TBB) offers a rich and complete approach to expressing parallelism in a C++ program. It is a library that helps you to take advantage of multi-core processor performance without having to be a threading expert. Threading Building Blocks is not just a threads-replacement library. It represents a higher-level, task-based parallelism that abstracts platform details and threading mechanisms for scalability and performance. Intel oneTBB 2021.5.0 is available under Apache 2.0 license (

**英特尔(R) 线程构建模块 (TBB)**提供了丰富而完整的方法来在 C++ 程序中表达并行性。它是一个可以帮助您充分利用多核处理器性能的库,而无需成为线程专家。Threading Building Blocks 不仅仅是一个线程替换库。它代表了更高级别的、基于任务的并行性,抽象了平台细节和线程机制以实现可扩展性和性能。英特尔 oneTBB 2021.5.0 可在 Apache 2.0 许可证 ( )下使用。

OpenGL is an industry standard API for 3D graphics used by OCCT for implementation of 3D viewer. OpenGL specification is developed by the Khronos group, OCCT code includes header file glext.h obtained from Khronos web site.

OpenGL是 OCCT 用于实现 3D 查看器的 3D 图形行业标准 API。OpenGL 规范由 Khronos 小组开发,。OCCT 代码包含了从 Khronos 网站获取的头文件glext.h 。

OpenVR is an API and runtime that allows access to VR hardware from multiple vendors without requiring that applications have specific knowledge of the hardware they are targeting. OpenVR is optionally used by OCCT for VR support. OpenVR is released under BSD-like license (

OpenVR是一个 API 和运行时库,允许访问来自多个供应商的 VR 硬件,而不要求应用程序了解其目标硬件的具体信息。OCCT 选择使用 OpenVR 来支持 VR。OpenVR 是在类似 BSD 的许可证下发布的 ( )。

VTK – The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is an open-source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing and visualization. OCCT VIS component provides adaptation functionality for visualization of OCCT topological shapes by means of VTK library. If you need further information on VTK, refer to VTK Homepage

VTK –**可视化工具包 (VTK)**是一个开源、免费的软件系统,用于 3D 计算机图形、图像处理和可视化。OCCT VIS 组件通过 VTK 库提供 OCCT 拓扑形状可视化的适应功能。如果您需要有关 VTK 的更多信息,请参阅 VTK 主页

Doxygen developed by Dimitri van Heesch is open source documentation system for C++, C, Java, Objective-C, Python, IDL, PHP and C#. This product is used in Open CASCADE Technology for automatic creation of Technical Documentation from C++ header files. If you need further information on Doxygen, refer to

Doxygen由 Dimitri van Heesch 开发,是 C++、C、Java、Objective-C、Python、IDL、PHP 和 C# 的开源文档系统。该产品用于 Open CASCADE 技术,用于从 C++ 头文件自动创建技术文档。如果您需要有关 Doxygen 的更多信息,请参阅

Graphviz is open source graph visualization software developed by John Ellson, Emden Gansner, Yifan Hu and Arif Bilgin. Graph visualization is representation of structured information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks. This product is used together with Doxygen in Open CASCADE Technology for automatic creation of Technical Documentation (generation of dependency graphs). Current versions of Graphviz are licensed on an open source basis under The Eclipse Public License (EPL) (

Graphviz是由 John Ellson、Emden Gansner、Yifan Hu 和 Arif Bilgin 开发的开源图形可视化软件。图形可视化是将结构化信息表示为抽象图形和网络的图表。该产品与 Open CASCADE 技术中的 Doxygen 一起使用,用于自动创建技术文档(生成依赖图)。Graphviz 的当前版本根据 Eclipse 公共许可证 (EPL) ( )在开源基础上获得许可。

Inno Setup is a free script-driven installation system created in CodeGear Delphi by Jordan Russell. In OCCT Inno Setup is used to create Installation Wizard on Windows. It is licensed under Inno Setup License (

Inno Setup是一个免费的脚本驱动安装系统,由 Jordan Russell 在 CodeGear Delphi 中创建。在 OCCT 中,Inno Setup 用于在 Windows 上创建安装向导。它根据 Inno Setup 许可证 ( ) 获得许可。

FreeImage is an Open Source library supporting popular graphics image formats, such as PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF, and others used by multimedia applications. This library is developed by Hervé Drolon and Floris van den Berg. FreeImage is easy to use, fast, multithreading safe, compatible with all 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Windows, and cross-platform (works both with Linux and Mac OS X). FreeImage is optionally used by OCCT to work with images, on conditions of the FreeImage Public License (FIPL) (

FreeImage是一个开源库,支持流行的图形图像格式,例如 PNG、BMP、JPEG、TIFF 以及多媒体应用程序使用的其他格式。该库由 Hervé Drolon 和 Floris van den Berg 开发。FreeImage 易于使用、速度快、多线程安全、与所有 32 位或 64 位版本的 Windows 兼容,并且跨平台(适用于 Linux 和 Mac OS X)。在 FreeImage 公共许可证 (FIPL) ( )的条件下,OCCT 选择使用 FreeImage 来处理图像。

FFmpeg is an Open Source framework supporting various image, video and audio codecs. FFmpeg is optionally used by OCCT for video recording, on LGPL conditions (

FFmpeg是一个支持各种图像、视频和音频编解码器的开源框架。OCCT 可以选择在 LGPL 条件下使用 FFmpeg 进行视频录制 ( )。

David M. Gay's floating point routines (dtoa.c) are used for fast reading of floating point values from text strings. These routines are available under MIT-like license (see

David M. Gay 的浮点例程(dtoa.c) 用于从文本字符串中快速读取浮点值。这些例程可在类似 MIT 的许可证下使用(请参阅。

Flex is a generator of lexical analyzers (scanners), available under BSD license (

Flex是词法分析器(扫描器)的生成器,可在 BSD 许可下使用(。

GNU Bison is a parser generator used (together with Flex) for implementation of reader of STEP file format and parser of expressions. It is available under GNU GPL v3 license (

GNU Bison是一个解析器生成器,(与****Flex一起)用于实现 STEP 文件格式的阅读器和表达式解析器。它可以在 GNU GPL v3 许可证 ( ) 下使用。

Delabella is an open-source, cross-platform implementation of the Newton Apple Wrapper algorithm producing 2D Delaunay triangulation. Delabella is used by BRepMesh as one of alternative 2D triangulation algorithms. Delabella is licensed under the MIT license (

Delabella是 Newton Apple Wrapper 算法的开源跨平台实现,可生成 2D Delaunay 三角剖分。BRepMesh 使用 Delabella 作为替代 2D 三角测量算法之一。Delabella 根据 MIT 许可证 ( ) 获得许可。

CMake is an open-source, cross-platform family of tools designed to build, test and package software. CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files, and generate native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice. OCCT uses CMake as a build system. CMake is available under BSD 3-Clause license. See more at

CMake是一个开源、跨平台的工具系列,旨在构建、测试和打包软件。CMake 用于使用简单的平台和独立于编译器的配置文件来控制软件编译过程,并生成可在您选择的编译器环境中使用的本机 makefile 和工作区。OCCT 使用 CMake 作为构建系统。CMake 可在 BSD 3-Clause 许可证下使用。更多信息请访问

Cotire (compile time reducer) is a CMake module that speeds up the build process of CMake based build systems by fully automating techniques as precompiled header usage and single compilation unit builds for C and C++. Cotire is included in OCCT repository and used optionally by OCCT CMake scripts to accelerate builds by use of precompiled headers. Cotire is licensed under the MIT license (

Cotire(编译时间缩减器)是一个 CMake 模块,它通过预编译头使用和 C 和 C++ 的单个编译单元构建等完全自动化技术来加速基于 CMake 的构建系统的构建过程。Cotire 包含在 OCCT 存储库中,OCCT CMake 脚本可以选择使用它来通过使用预编译头来加速构建。Cotire 根据 MIT 许可证 ( ) 获得许可。

MikTEX is up-to-date implementation of TeX/LaTeX and related programs for Windows. It is used for generation of User and Developer Guides in PDF format. See for information on this tool.

MikTEX是 TeX/LaTeX 和 Windows 相关程序的最新实现。它用于生成 PDF 格式的用户和开发人员指南。有关此工具的信息,请参阅 。

RapidJSON is an Open Source JSON parser and generator for C++. RapidJSON is optionally used by OCCT for reading glTF files (

RapidJSON是一个用于 C++ 的开源 JSON 解析器和生成器。OCCT 可以选择使用 RapidJSON 来读取 glTF 文件 ( )。

Draco is an Open Source JSON parser and generator for C++. Draco is optionally used by OCCT for reading glTF files using KHR_draco_mesh_compression extension ( Draco is available under Apache 2.0 license.

Draco是一个用于 C++ 的开源 JSON 解析器和生成器。OCCT 可以选择使用 Draco 来使用 KHR_draco_mesh_compression 扩展( )读取 glTF 文件。Draco 可在 Apache 2.0 许可证下使用。

DejaVu fonts are a font family based on the Vera Fonts under a permissive license (MIT-like, DejaVu Sans (basic Latin sub-set) is used by OCCT as fallback font when no system font is available.

DejaVu字体是基于 Vera Fonts 的字体系列,具有宽松的许可证(类似于 MIT,。当没有可用的系统字体时,OCCT 使用 DejaVu Sans(基本拉丁语子集)作为后备字体。

Adobe Systems, Inc. provides Adobe Reader, which can be used to view files in Portable Document Format (PDF).

Adobe Systems, Inc. 提供Adobe Reader,可用于查看可移植文档格式 (PDF) 的文件。

CAS.CADE and Open CASCADE are registered trademarks of OPEN CASCADE S.A.S.


Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Linux是 Linus Torvalds 的注册商标。

Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.


Mac, OS X, macOS, and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

MacOS XmacOS和 Mac 徽标是 Apple Inc. 在美国和其他国家/地区注册的商标。

Android is a trademark of Google LLC.

Android是 Google LLC 的商标。

Last updated